Tag Archives: sampling

FSF: 2022 October 14

Oven rack = maaaaaaaagic bliiiiing

Sampling an oven rack
Sampling an oven rack

I have a thing for oven racks. Long ago, in a beautiful place called New Mexico, I was part of a large conducted-improvisation ensemble called Out of Context. One year we toured the state playing improvised accompaniment to the 1924 version of Peter Pan. For Tinkerbell, I wanted a sparkly sound, so I sampled my oven rack into my Ensoniq ASR-X. Every time we saw Tink onscreen, blllliiiiiiinnnnnngggg.

As part of my Skillshare class on iPhone sampling, I sampled a bunch of kitchen sounds and naturally included my current oven rack in the fun. Click the link above to get the recording and the GarageBand for iOS project with the completed sound for your very own phone.

Come on back every week for new downloads containing 2 components each: an original, unprocessed recording of some non-musical thing; and a GarageBand for iOS project containing the Sampler instrument(s) that I’ve made with that recording.

Want to learn how to do this yourself? Check out my Skillshare class on turning found sounds into instruments using just your iPhone. If you sign up, you’ll get a free month of membership!